Saturday, July 2, 2011

A mother whom I have connected with via support groups who lost her 12 yo son almost one year ago is struggling w/this new anniversary in her life.  This morning I shared this with her:  On our daughter's 19th birthday - 57 days after she passed, we went to the theater & saw Harry Potter, went to Steak N Shake then stopped by her grave on the way home. We did this on our motorcycles - figuring that woulda been the way she wanted to spend her day - except for the cemetery, of course. On the 1st anniversary of her death, I cried - A LOT! I still cry @ the littlest things.

One of those littlest things came to me last night while @ dinner.  Thankfully I didn't cry but teared up.  A woman @ our dinner table was wearing a magnetic necklace/bracelet.  It was a different color, although the same style.  I held back the tears, but kept finding my eyes fixated on her bracelet.  These things just happen...

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